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What is a MapSet?
A `MapSet` is a `Set`. Sets are data structures that can contain unique elements of any kind.
How does a MapSet differ from a Map?
A `Map` is an associative data structure where a `MapSet` is not.
Can a MapSet contain duplicate values?
No. If a duplicate value is provided to a `MapSet` it will result in a no-op.
When do you use a MapSet?
`MapSet`s are really fast data structures and are often used when in need of optimum search performance.
How do you create a MapSet?
Using ``. All data must be added to the `MapSet` after it is constructed.
How do you add a value to a MapSet?
Using `Mapset.put/2`
=> ms = #MapSet<[]>
=> MapSet.put(ms, "new_value")
How do you remove a value in a MapSet?
Using `Mapset.delete/2`
=> ms =
=> MapSet.put(ms, "new_value")
=> MapSet.delete(ms, "new_value")
How do you iterate a MapSet?
A `MapSet` is an Elixir Enumerable. Like other Enumerables you can use the `Enum` module to iterate the collection ex ``