Understanding Elixir Task
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What is an Elixir Task?
It is a means of spawning an Elixir Process but with asynchronous capabilities, which is its main use case.When do you use a Task?
They are often used for interacting with external services. Using a `Task` in this way makes otherwise synchronous code asynchronous, so your code can do other work while the `Task` is working.What does the code look like for spawning an asynchronous Task and reading its message upon completion?
``` => task = Task.async(fn -> IO.puts("processing") end) => Task.await(task) ``` In the above example the `Task` is executed using `async/1` and its message will be available as a result of `await/1`.What Task function should be used when you have no interest in the result of its completion?
`start/1`, which accepts an anonymous function to be executed. The anonymous function must have no arguments.Can you spawn multiple Tasks and await all of their completion?
Yes. You can map over a list of `Task`s and provide the `Task.await` function as the callback to each task in the list.=> tasks = Enum.reduce(0..9, [], fn _, acc -> [Task.async(&any_job/0) | acc] end)
=> Enum.map(tasks, &Task.await/1)