Route static paths across LiveView and App templates

TLDR: Use your Endpoint module directly to route static paths in either eex or leex templates.

When using Phoenix LiveView I needed to share navigation html across two layout files:

  1. app.html.eex
  2. live.html.leex

Phoenix provides a file to do this out of the box which will render markup for both app and live templates: root.html.leex

The issue I had was static routing to images. This is due the Router module using either Plug @conn and LiveView’s @socket for connections depending on the file.

At first I had two nav's for each file:
<!-- app.html.eex -->

<nav id="nav">
  <a href="/"><img class="logo" src="<%= Routes.static_path(@conn, "/images/logo.svg")%>" /></a>

  <!-- rest of nav -->
<!-- live.html.leex -->

<nav id="nav">
  <a href="/"><img class="logo" src="<%= Routes.static_path(@socket, "/images/logo.svg")%>" /></a>

  <!-- rest of nav -->

To update this I found that if you use the Phoenix Endpoint module instead of individual connection objects to route to static assets you only need one nav located in root.html.leex:

<!-- root.html.leex -->

<nav id="nav">
  <a href="/"><img class="logo" src="<%= Routes.static_path(DevDecksWeb.Endpoint, "/images/logo.svg")%>" /></a>

  <!-- rest of nav -->