Elixir process module cheatsheet
The Process module defines functions for working with processes to handle things like introspection, starting/stopping, linking, etc.. These are a few that I find to be particularly useful:
- gets a list of all running processes on the BEAM VM.Process.info/1
- accepts a pid as an argument a returns metadata about the process.Process.alive?/1
- accepts a pid as an argument and returns a boolean based on if the process is alive or dead.Process.exit/2
- accepts a pid and an instruction atom (often :kill) and terminates the process
For other process behavior like creating new processes, linking processes and sending messages I find it more useful to use the Kernel
functions spawn
, spawn_link
and send
More Elixir process posts: Processes for web programmers, Let it crash explained, Processes in phoenix, Processes and concurrency