How to memoize a conditional in Ruby

In Ruby memoization is a performance optimization. It allows you to execute some code, save it in a variable and not have execute that code again if the method is invoked, instead just return the value of a variable.

In the below code some_method will only execute the Account.find call the first time the method is invoked in on the object.

class MyClass
  def some_method
    @account ||= Account.find(3)  

I learned recently that you can memoize the return value of a conditional expression as well. To do this wrap the expression in a begin block and if some_method is invoked more than once the condition will not be run after the first invocation. During the first invocation the conditions return value was saved to @account and will be returned on each subsequent call to the method.

class MyClass
  def some_method
    @account ||= begin
      if @organization.has_accounts?
        Account.create(name: "lisa")

Similar post: How not to memoize in Ruby