Mixins and mixin variables in SCSS, a brief example

Using SCSS Mixins allows you to reuse more styles in your codebase. They work like this:

First declare the Mixin:

/* mixins.scss */

@mixin flex-space-between {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: space-between;

Then use it by including it in other style declarations. The file below adds the flex-space-between styles from the Mixin to the footer.

/* footer.scss */

#footer {
  include flex-space-between;

Mixins can also be passed arguments like this:

/* mixins.scss */

@mixin flex-space($spacing) {
  display: flex;

  @if $spacing == space-between {
    justify-content: space-between;
  @if $spacing == space-around {
    justify-content: space-around;

Which is invoked like so:

/* footer.scss */

#footer {

  include flex-space(space-between);

Lastly, you can also pass case specific styles to a Mixin, which is often used in the wild to set different styles based on screen size like the example below. There is also the @content directive, which is what references the case specific styles:

/* mixins.scss */

@mixin max-width($screen-size) {
  @if $screen-size == m {
    @media (max-width: 50em) { @content ; }

The case specific styles are passed through the {}. In this example the @content directive above will include the style of font-size: 12px; as seen below:

/* footer.scss */

#footer {
  include max-width(m) {
    font-size: 12px;