Verify HTTP header signature in Rails

What follows is an example of how to verify a header signature using OpenSSL::Digest and OpenSSL::HMAC.

If you would like more information on signing HTTP requests, here is a link to the IETF documentation.

In this scenario a client will be sending an HTTP request header, signature, to our application. This header contains a SHA key we will have previously generated and sent to our client/integration partner.

To generate this key you will need three things:

  1. The hashing algorithm you want to use, in this case we use sha256.
  2. A key that will be used to sign the data. This should be something you can programatically access, probably a config value for the client that exists in the db. In this example we will use the hard coded string “some_identifying_key_like_org_password”.
  3. The data being authenticated.

Generating the key:

digest ="sha256")
  "the protected data"
=> 5a7976b21f6fe4d0e0ac7d9a95511d0e53fe41a36e5d60bd43a2784428764248

After you’ve generated the key and sent it to your client you will need to handle the key verification in your controller. In the controller below we created a before_action to verify the signature. It will return an :unauthorized status unless the key you distributed to your client matches what you are expecting.

The verify_signature method handles the equality check, the signed_request method generates the key on the application side and the header_signature method gets the key from the request header.

def ApiController < ApplicationController
  before_action :verify_signature
  def show
    # would be called if verify_signature passes

  def verify_signature
    head :unauthorized unless signed_request == header_signature

  def signed_request
    digest ="sha256")
      "the protected data"

  def header_signature  
    # the header would contain "sha256 5a7976b21f6fe4d0e0ac7d9a95511d0e53fe41a36e5d60bd43a2784428764248"
    request.headers[:signature].gsub("sha256 ", "")

Further reading: