invalid_foreign_key - no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table

I encountered this error when trying to set associations for two related schemas. The error turned out to be an issue with how I set the created the original tables.

My initial table configuration looked like the below. I had used the primary_key keyword option when defining the field that was going to take the place of the default primary key, but I had missed the fact that I also needed to use that same keyword option when defining the table (though with a different value).

This is what I had written before:

def change do
  create table("organizations") do
    add :name, :string
    add :logo, :string
    add :subdomain, :string
    add :uuid, :binary_id, primary_key: :true

After rollback this migration with mix ecto.rollback, this is what fixed the error. Notice the table function now includes primary_key: :false.

  create table("organizations", primary_key: :false) do
    add :name, :string
    add :logo, :string
    add :subdomain, :string
    add :uuid, :binary_id, primary_key: :true

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