TinyTechTuts s'explique; Installing Localstack in a Python virtual environment 06-13-2022 #python#localstack Steps to configure Git and remote origin 06-08-2022 #git How to start, stop, and restart Redis or Postgres using Homebrew 06-05-2022 #homebrew#postgres#redis How to add a guard to a block in Ruby 05-31-2022 #ruby How to break out of a block in Ruby 05-28-2022 #ruby Ruby [0..-2] explained 05-25-2022 #ruby Elixir Enum fetch vs find functions 05-24-2022 #elixir Get the index position from element in a matched condition 05-21-2022 #elixir Elixir List count of each unique element 05-18-2022 #elixir Export SQL records to CSV or STDOUT 05-13-2022 #sql Dynamically add methods in ruby with define_method 05-12-2022 #ruby#metaprogramming Two colons before a class name in ruby 05-07-2022 #ruby Dynamically add methods in ruby with method_missing 05-03-2022 #ruby#metaprogramming How to pretty print JSON in ruby 04-30-2022 #ruby#json SQL inner join not returning records 04-25-2022 #sql SQL timeout from ordering 04-25-2022 #sql Convert ruby hash with string keys to symbol keys 04-23-2022 #ruby How to run two different git branches locally 04-23-2022 #git Validating a string is a URL in Rails 04-21-2022 #rails Rails random date generator 04-20-2022 #rails How to render a collection of turbo frames 04-09-2022 #rails#turbo