How to exclude astro redirects from sitemap.xml build

I am working on migrating a project to a different web domain, this one you’re on in fact.

To do that I needed to setup redirects from URLs that point to the old domain to urls that pointed to the new domain.

I’m using Astro for my website, setting up my redirects was done inside a file called astro.config.mjs, which is your astro configuration file.

The contents of that file in my instance included the use of the defineConfig function and sitemap function, which is used as an integration config list item. The sitemap function will run by default every time you use the command line npx astro build. If you define redirects like I did in my below config they will be included in your sitemap that is generated.

import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
import sitemap from "@astrojs/sitemap";

export default defineConfig({
  integrations: [sitemap()],
  site: "",
  redirects: {
    '/2021-elixir-list-to-comma-separated-string': {
      status: 301,
      destination: ''
    '/2021-same-db-table-parent-child-relationship-rails': {
      status: 301,
      destination: ''

I didn’t want those included in my sitemap, so I found a way to filter for only the urls I want included in the Astro sitemap. In the below you’ll see the call to sitemap now filters for only the two specified urls in the condition. The filter option will run for every url in both your redirects and pages.

import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
import sitemap from "@astrojs/sitemap";

export default defineConfig({
  integrations: [sitemap({
    filter: (page) => page == '' || page == '', 
  site: "",
  redirects: {
    '/2021-elixir-list-to-comma-separated-string': {
      status: 301,
      destination: ''
    '/2021-same-db-table-parent-child-relationship-rails': {
      status: 301,
      destination: ''

I hope this helped! Have a good one!