TinyTechTuts s'explique; Capitalize the first letter of each word in an Elixir string 01-02-2024 #elixir Transform an Elixir string from CamelCase to snake_case 01-01-2024 #elixir Ecto: Save nested records example 12-31-2023 #elixir Convert elixir string with spaces to string with hyphens 12-30-2023 #elixir Convert elixir string with spaces to string with hyphens 12-30-2023 #elixir Elixir Enum.map/2 vs Ruby Array#map 12-29-2023 #elixir#ruby Get a count of all .md files in a directory on the command line 12-29-2023 #shell#script How to exclude astro redirects from sitemap.xml build 12-27-2023 #astro#builds Create and set the innerText for in JavaScript for option element 12-24-2023 #javascript#option Github Pages builds for Astro applications not working 12-23-2023 #astro#github-pages How to configure privateemail.com smpt connections 12-22-2023 #smtp How to push to Github Pages using a personal access token 12-18-2023 #git#github#tokens Ecto: trigger update without changeset 10-08-2023 #elixir#ecto Create sidebar ad using Google Adsense 10-06-2023 #adsense Apostrophes showing as ’ in html 10-04-2023 #html#utf Visualize Database Schema Using Ecto 01-15-2023 #elixir#ecto Invalid association: associated schema does not have field :id 01-13-2023 #elixir#ecto How to handle Ecto associations with UUIDs 01-11-2023 #elixir#ecto invalid_foreign_key - no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table 01-09-2023 #ecto#elixir How to set a primary key using Ecto 01-07-2023 #elixir#ecto Create a new DB record using Ecto 01-05-2023 #elixir#ecto